Friday, October 5, 2007

Bulletins & Articles

Whilst wrestling with mortgage lenders on the phone and listening to the inevitable "your call is important to us", I started downloading various articles and bulletins which have been extremely useful in preparing for the Final in the past. Excellent material is found both in the Bulletins of the RCOA (back-issues can be downloaded from here), and also from the Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain journals. To download back-issues of these, go to the archive; you will need to register if you haven't done so already using the subscription number that came with your BJA subscription when you first joined the RCOA. Go to My Account in the top left-hand corner of the archive page and fill in your details. Then, go back to the archive page and download the issues you require. I downloaded all the articles in pdf form from 2001-2005 that I didn't have and sorted them into subject. The plan will be to print them all out and make a folder which I can take to work and read during (really long lists) tea breaks!

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